Our Garden
Our garden is rich in composted soil, and grows to the rhythms of the organic fundamentals. It is a true Chef’s garden, where special varieties of seeds are selected by our Chef, and carefully planted in precisely designated rows. The summer harvest produces hundreds of pounds of fruits and vegetables that are the freshest possible, only steps away from our kitchen.
This garden is not only lush and prolific, but it has developed it’s own charm as well. When visiting you will be greeted by a twisted willow entry trellis that opens up to arbor after arbor of vine-filled beans, squash, pumpkins and peppers. In the middle of this green, lush space stands a very large, Italian urn seemingly awaiting the bounty. We invite you to visit this space, and enjoy the magic of a garden

Meet Our Gardner
Danyelle Burkart
Danyelle moved to Zionsville with her husband and four children from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan where she served as a designer at Golden Walsh Garden & Homes. There she established a very successful container and potting division.
Originally drawn to our area by attending events at Traders Point Creamery, Danyelle enthusiastically joins us bringing her experiences and talent to our organic garden. Her extraordinary vision and knowledge has given our garden a whole new life. Under her direction we are enjoying the true bounty and beauty. In close collaboration with our chef, she plants special seeds to insure unique offerings in our restaurant.
At her homestead, Danyelle and her family raise a pair of Nigerian Dwarf Goats along with several ducks, chickens, and a potbelly pig named “Blue”. She enjoyed a period of homeschooling her children, and continues her thirst for knowledge. When not working or teaching, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, reading and visiting independent bookstores all over the country.